Every one of Barry's pieces of jewerly, be it a pin, pendant or earring, is a small sculpture
– a sculpture that is worn by people rather than displayed on a wall or on a table.
It's a Barry!
Barry's signature style includes the mixture of
18K Gold and Sterling Silver in each piece.
Meet Barry!
Barry graduated from The University of North Texas with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts, with a specialty in metalwork and a minor in anthropology. He has been making his jewelry for 30 years. “My study in anthropology has had an influence on my work. I like to think of my art as a combination of different cultures.”People have often commented on the African and Asian influences in his art. Each of his pieces is hand-fabricated using 18K Gold and Sterling silver, along with a variety of precious and semi-precious gems and minerals.
Two things stand out to create the Barry style:
Texture – Barry uses a variety of methods to create and accentuate texture in his jewelry art.
Sculpture – every one of Barry’s pieces of jewelry, be it a pin, pendant or earring, is a small sculpture – a sculpture that is worn by people rather than displayed on a wall or on a table.
Currently, Barry lives in Elgin, TX, near Austin. He has served on Elgin’s Main Street Board, including being the board’s president. He helped organize the local Art & Artisan’s organization in Elgin. He is also a member of the Advisory Board for the Cultural Arts of Waco Board of Directors. He is very active in local art, facilitating studio tours in which several of the artists in town participate – including the shops in downtown Elgin – and each December he opens his own studio to the public, inviting other artists from the area to come and show their work. He has given classes and workshops in several aspects of metalwork and jewelry.
You can purchase a Barry at one of the many art festivals held throughout the year in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and a few others. Register for our newsletter to stay up to date on upcoming events and more. You can also contact him directly to discuss a one-of-a-kind piece for yourself.